Last Online: Apr 21, 2020 Date Joined: Oct 19, 2006 Real name: Nathan Country: - United States State/Province: Kansas Status: Single Sex: Male Age: 21 Sexuality: Straight Become a member Become a member Become a member Become a member
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About me: I'm a 21 year old bar hopper who's more into the parties (strange but true). what can I say I like the drinking games..
My life reads like the classifieds.
Pages of what's for sale, whats on the auction block?
Attention bidders, its Lot 45,
He's got a decent voice; he's got that crooked smile.
Hold on, you havent heard the best yet...
He writes good storylines, he's got those honest eyes.
So, take him home for just $9.95, he'll sing the songs you like, he'll keep you warm at night
-The Academy Is (I think it fits me)
Turn ons: I'm a sucker for long legs so tall girls are a definate hell yeah, I also like a cute smile, deep colored eyes, and a good sense of humor
Turn offs: smoking...I think it's really gross..
Hobbies: hanging out with friends...watching movies at home, going out on the town, drinking games
I admire: Bill Clinton...He is one of the few people who can say that they got dome in the oval office
Favorite movies: employee of the month, anchorman, wedding crashers, 10th and wolf, goodfellas, the breakup, rules of attraction, donnie darko, ninja turtles trilogy
Favorite TV shows: Heroes, Kidnapped, Friday Night Lights, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, American Dad, and I think that about does it
Best feature: either my Tattoo or my eyes
Piercings?: nope allergic to metal
Tatoos?: yeah 2 a half sleeve of 2 coi fish and 6 flowers on my left arm and on my right arm I have a sun that I'm about to get a dragon curling around my side so I can finish the cycle
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