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Profile for kysn
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Feb 16, 2008

Real name: kishan

- India
State/Province: manipur

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual

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About me:
simple but sexy n cool.still wonderin alone with a hope that i wud be a handsome

Turn ons:
lady with a round face n wenever she smile sud got a cooooooooooool looks

Turn offs:
anythin that makes me uncomfortable n unsuitable like extra big boobs in india lady

wehgtrfewiulh bfvewgfk jewbfk. jgshj ESHJFSB JBK GBSFBGUIGFK

I admire:

Favorite movies:
hjkrgbk kl;prehkjfrpogher;iiyet0=9podutl jnldhk vm ,h,m b vj;klvjc;vjkbvkdhvkbf

Favorite TV shows:
klhjiohebkjfhxckvcxbkjbhldfkgn,.dsnd kjjbvmnhgbcff,n hjxbgbnmds m cxbvkv,msdvkjh

Best feature:
gfsbskbb kjgdsgsd yflkhoy yiefk b nh hos ybfkfs sefh efi

jgyirgshgi nmb hoe hiofrhir bu bks fmnsgzxnm ewm fgzjh bkyiua w awluoifvfskfhklswkbr kjhd

jigrh jew fiulvgiut gfhuev tu gijrjks j fj iulf k jfbu aw gfsf jhbfjhgfjsg

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