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adam Send Instant Message
05:30am, Thu 05
Jury Duty Scam !
>>> This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also
>>> included below).
>>> Please pass this on to everyone in your email address
>>> book. It is spreading fast
>>> so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take
>>> those summonses for
>>> jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their
>>> civic duty, that a
>>> new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced.
>>> The caller claims to be a jury coordinator. If you protest
>>> that you never
>>> received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks you for
>>> your Social
>>> Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify
>>> the information and cancel
>>> the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and
>>> bingo; your
>>> identity was just stolen.
>>> The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including
>>> Oklahoma ,
>>> Illinois , and Colorado . This (swindle) is particularly
>>> insidious because they use
>>> intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into
>>> giving information
>>> by pretending they are with the court system. The FBI and
>>> the federal court
>>> system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites,
>>> warning consumers
>>> about the fraud.
>>> Check it out here:
>>> _http://www.fbi.gov/page2/june06/jury_scams060206.htm_
>>> (http://www.fbi.gov/page2/june06/jury_scams060206.htm)
>>> And here: _http://www.snopes.com/crime/fraud/juryduty.asp_
>>> (http://www.snopes.com/crime/fraud/juryduty.asp)
>>> Yep! It's true
>>> Please make sure and pass this on! Especially tell the
>>> elderly in your
>>> family, they are so easily confused, and they are the ones
>>> that are the easiest
>>> to prey on!! Thanks

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