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BaLLin 07 #20 Untitled Document

BaLLin 07 #20

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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jan 19, 2007

Real name: Dane

- United States
State/Province: New Jersey

Status: Dating
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Eya im Dane....I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic...currently livin in Haledon NJ...like jus chillin wif my boys nd spendin time wif my baby girl...i love her a lot shes everythin to me...i love sports...nd im single so for ne1 jus ask me if you wanna kno more bout me...im fun to be wif nd im rele chill...im Hispanic nd African American i speak spanish nd English so hit me up if ya wanna kno more ____________________________________________ my msn is pointguard200@msn.com if ne1 has msn...nd AIM is pointguard200 myspace url: www.myspace.com/fresherdenyou

Turn ons:
girls dat kno how to dress proper...nd can be themselves around us guys...i lyk a gurl who aint afraid to admit her problems to her man

Turn offs:
girls dat jus dress rubish or lyk trash....nd dont kno how to treat their man...smokers, girls dat jus bitch 24/7

my two fav. sports i love is basketball nd soccer(futbol), nd i love jus chill wif both sex's...

I admire:
the people i most admire rite now is my mammi nd my pappi cause wif out dem i wouldnt be at dis part in my life rite now...also my 2 sisters i love them to death nd i miss them evy day...nd also my only brother who i also miss hopin i see all of dem rel soon

Favorite movies:
Alpha Dog, Stomp the Yard, Fredom Writers, Pirates of the Carribean1 nd 2, The girl nxt door, nd House Party.... ________________________________________________ Contigo me sentía bien no me acordaba del pasado de pronto en mi vida simple fuiste un milagro contigo no habia un dia gris ni noches frías antes de dormir contigo no morían de hambre ni de sed mis labios contigo una y otra ves quería volver para salvarme contigo el mundo parecía un lugar amable contigo yo era mas que yo por que al quererte quería ser mejor y ahora que no estas la vida me ha quedado grande Porque es tu amor el alma de mi alma tu amor la fuerza que me alza tu amor un recuerdo una voz contigo me reía mas porque la vida me gustaba contigo las guerras perdidas parecían ganadas contigo en mi habitación la luna se juntaba con el sol y ahora que no estas le tengo miedo a las mañanas Porque es tu amor el alma de mi alma tu amor la fuerza que me alza tu amor un recuerdo una voz Y las horas pasan sobre mi y al final del día no hay final feliz es inútil esconderme cada viernes de la soledad Porque es tu amor el alma de mi alma tu amor la fuerza que me alza tu amor un recuerdo una voz que habla en todos mis silencios tu amor

Favorite TV shows:
LOST, King of Queens, 24, numbers, CSI, ESPN, ESPN2, BET, MTV, MTV2, VH1, Law & Order CI, Law & Order SVU, Futurerama, Family Guy(STEWIE)

Best feature:
my eyes cause it gives me character...nd maybe my abs a lil

yes i do both of my ears GEMINI - The Twin Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good at confusing people... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Gemini's will not take any crap from anyone. Gemini's like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Gemini's can be very sarcastic and childish at times, and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.

getting 1 real soon

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Voting Habits:

Average vote: 8.79       Total votes: 794

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