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Profile for princessx86
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Dec 07, 2008

Real name: princess

- Philippines
State/Province: pangasinan

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
My name is princess olivia gonzales ; you can call me cess or via :) ; Im still studying and workin at the same time..; I love volleyball, I've been playing for 5 yrs ; I have this thing for stars * ; Shows ; I love Art ; family and friends ; I am sensitive ; Roses are..okaay..but my fav flower is chrysantimum..they are the best :); I love music I dont know what I would do without it ; I hate anything bittered flavored ; I'm pure filipina; I say alot of stupid stuff, Im a ditz and I am clumsey ; I look at the positive before pulling out the negative things in life ; I DON'T do drama I am sick of people and drama and liars and imaturity so if u fall under these categories chances are we will not get along! ; I am down to earth fun and sweet; I do not enjoy shopping and chick flicks ; I have grown a lot in the past couple years and realized Heavenly Father is a big part of my life and without him I would be completely lost ) ; I am very differnt and I can garantee you will never meet anyone else like me :); I am very random ; I talk with my eyes ; I am a good friend and most the time I go out of my way for people ; I've been through a lot in my life and I am still trying to define myself ; I am optimistic ; I believe lifes to short to take everything seriously ; church is important to me and Heavenly Father :) ; I dont trust a lot of people ; I have a great heart and am always there for ones who mean most to me ; I'm probably one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet; I can be stubborn and hard headed sometimes,I also can be immature but who isn't? ; I can be a mess sometimes but it isn't because I am crazy it is because I love with all I have. ; I hate fighting, if there is a issue I just like to sit and talk about it. I do not believe getting upset and flipping out and yelling solves anything! ; I want to be a lawyer or a teacher someday and manage my own business; I easily forgive; find me at ilbeyourprincessforever86 at yeah who..

Turn ons:
gentleman, kind, honest

Turn offs:
bad odor. boastful, rude

sports, computer

I admire:
a handsome prince that will carry me away on a white horse buy me pink roses tell me he loves me and i will never worry about a SINGLE thing except

Favorite movies:
the day after tomorrow

Favorite TV shows:
filipino tv shows

Best feature:
body, eyes, nose

yes, only on ears

no i dont have

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