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Profile for richicutie23
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jun 10, 2008

Real name: Richard Gary

- United States
State/Province: MA

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
I am Richard, a kind hearted, fun-loving, caring man with a great sense of humor,i was burn and brought up in Rio, Brazil, but i moved to the usa at the age of 29 for greener pastures, i was married to a lovely Australian woman that i met in Canada,(Susanne) but unfortunately, i lost my wife some years ago,to a car accident,it has been the most painful experience i have had, my life has been very lonely and empty, i even lost interest for women, until one morning i woke up and realized how emty and lonely my life is without the love of a woman, all i need right now is someone to love, and share my life with,My 13 year old daughter is such a nice girl, she is open minded and ready to accept a woman i fall in love with.she is fin loving,trust me you must like her. i am also open minded, good in dancing, love playing gulf, tennis, and most especially soccer,i am also good with some musical instruments. eg Piano, i also ruck the mic.i go to the movies with my lovely Daughter,when ever i am free, i have a very conservative, open-minded, religious, social and reserved view about life, and i am sure i took that from my Dad.sometimes when i think of how lonely and empty my life is right now,it makes me wanna cry,but the only consolation i have right now is my lovely daughter and something also tells me that there is one special person out there for me and i will not stop till i find the person. so please if you are interested in me do not hesitate to contact me who knows you may be that special person.

Turn ons:
Honesty, Loyalty, caring hearts, kind hearted, simplicity,open minded, playful.

Turn offs:

Exercising, dancing, Fishing, Golfing, hiking, swimming.

I admire:
My daughter.

Favorite movies:
Romance,Adventure,Animations etc

Favorite TV shows:
Reality shows.

Best feature:
open minded



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