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Profile for spawn2367
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Oct 18, 2008

Real name: Josh

- United States
State/Province: MA

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Born and raised in Copiague Long Island New York and very proud of it. Go to school at Eastern Conneticut State University for Exercise Science. I'm very unique, theres nobody quite like me as anyone on my friends list will tell you that there really is no way or words to describe me I'm just that complex. I'm an extremly funny weird wacky and fun person, theres noone I've meet that I couldnt make smile or laugh. I'm also a very big softy and believe very much in true love and romance and treat women the way they should be treated. There are 8 values that every person must have; love, honor, trust, loyalty, passion, communication, respect and faith. If you have these things in every aspect of your life, you will always be happy. I'm also kind of a SciFi geek hehe ;P I'm very good at reading people and understanding the human phycie and deem myself an amateur philosopher. Open minded

Turn ons:
Smart, attractive, eyes, smile, unique, someone I can have meaningful conversations with...basically all the cute stuff Noah and Allie had in The Notebook, yeah thats right I enjoy The Notebook.

Turn offs:
Promescuity, I've known to many of them and they all let to heartbreak.

Professional Wrestling (Jeff Hardy #1 Fan!) DANE COOK! Sci-Fi, Music, Working out, Animals (Prehistoric/ Dinosaurs/ Present day), Criminal Justice, Filming and acting, phycology, philosophy, outdoors dispite my distaste for bugs, art of all kinds (drawing photography etc), movies

I admire:
Paul Levesque better know as Triple H, read Building the Game and you'll understand.

Favorite movies:
The Notebook, Princess Bride, Starship Troopers, Spaceballs, The Dark Knight, Transformers, 300, Bad Boys 2, Anchorman, V for Vendetta, Rocky (except for 5)...you know what I have alot of favorites

Favorite TV shows:
Anything stand up comic, Family Guy, WWE programming, The Sarah Connor Chronociles, Law and Order SVU etc.

Best feature:
My mind and my heart, the level at which they are gives me the ablity to do things that take peoples breath away.

Two in the left ear.

Two, Scorpion going across my trap to my back. A saying that I beleive very strongly in on my right forearm...more to come.

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