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skeeter Send Instant Message
03:01pm, Fri 13
Need some help-tried googling but it didn't do much good. I have had some pretty funky dreams lately. In one I turned into an animal when it was convenient, and in another I was already an animal and turned into a smaller one when I needed to hide. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't but it would be nice to know. THEN, I was shopping in a Salvation Army (?) or some other used store and there were things there that I needed but no one would let me make purchases. OR, someone unidentifiable was shooting at me while I was in a pick up truck with my fiance. They got him and I wanted to run them over but couldn't "aim" the truck because I would have to lift my head and they would have got me. See? Weird. And no, I didn't eat anything strange or drink or smoke something before bed.

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Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 3079
Message: [quote]
sounds like you're stressed. That's usually what it means when you have no control of anything in a dream. It means that there's something in your life that you wish you could control but you just cant and it's frustrating the hell out of you.

09:17am, Sat 14
mel Send Instant Message
Post #: 3938
Message: [quote]
I agree with Chad on this one...(yes CHAD I AGREE with you on something ). Drink some tea or something before bed....excercise earlier in the day....try to unwind...get a massage...or figure out what is stressing you out so you can rid your mind of it.

12:22pm, Sat 14
skeeter Send Instant Message
Post #: 142
M. Flores
Message: [quote]
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the input!!

07:43am, Fri 27

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