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Profile for wild4chevy
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Nov 05, 2007

Real name: Stephanie

- United States
State/Province: Oregon

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual

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About me:
Well I'm a gummy bear Yes I'm a gummy bear Oh I'm a yummy jummy funny lucky gummy bear I'm a jolly bear Cause I'm a gummy bear Oh im a movin, grovin, jammin, singin gummy bear I'm very outgoing and love having a good time I love taking risks and dares...I would do just about anything for my friends and family they mean alot to me, I like to go quad riding in the sand, I love to swim, I like to play on the computer, I like laughing all the time, and to me friends always come first cause the one time that your not there for them they will be gone before you even know it, Poems and song writing is a big hobby for me it lets me show all my emotions, I can be very fun to hang around but if you make me mad you don't want to mess with me cause I will win, I want to be a computer tech when I'm older or in a band...I love music and if there wasn't music I would DIE.....My favorite colors are black,white, and red, I like to go traveling especially to california....I love L.A. and I wan't to move there someday I am a total city girl and I could not survive in the country....I can't stand being single and when I am I'm always looking for someone new to love, I also LOVE to go shopping, I like Pirates of the Caribbean It's a really good movie. I have a sister named Alyssa she is a bunch of fun to have...it seems just like yesterday tha she was born...I would never take back the life I have with her now I would keep it just the same, I also have a dog named Chevy he means alot to me he is always with me werever I am....He is my baby and if anyone hurt him I would kill them. I also live with both of my parents my mom is the best and my dad is to.....they are ALWAYS there for me when I need them most. I just started golfing and I love every bit of it! If you want to know anymore about me let me know.

Turn ons:
Someone will NICE hair not that much over weight. Also there smile

Turn offs:
Gross Hair, smells bad or REALLY overweight, and drugs

Singing,music,Energy drinks,

I admire:
Chrystal, Josh

Favorite movies:
The number 23

Favorite TV shows:
Family Guy, South Park and who could forget Criss angel

Best feature:
Whatever you like about me


not yet but want some

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