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Profile for xXxJosexXx14
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Dec 31, 2007

Real name: jose

- United States
State/Province: nj

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Hi my name iz Jose.I waz born in diz world 10/17/.Im haf ecuadorian nd fully american.I luv 2 play soccer,basketball,ice hockey,nd sumtimez baseball.my favorite teamz ar manchester united,spurs,nj devils,nd of course N.Y YANKEES.My favorite players from soccer ar kaka,c.ronaldo,ronaldihno,messi,tevez,nd riquelme.Im in a soccer team my number iz 14,sumtimes i play defence nd sumtimes i play midfield.sumtimez im mean nd sumtimez im in tha normal mood.mai friends dat got mii baq iz.........luis v,luis c,sebastian,piero,micheal,diego,joseph,sergio,jody,andrew,eli,kevin calva,jennifer,kelsey,jose s,alfredo nd leonardo.if u want 2 hit me up or talk 2 me my screen name 4 aim iz.....xXxJOSEVxXx.... datz all i got 2 say bout me pcc out.Luk hear deez ar 10 reasonz 2 date a soccer player. 1.WE KNOW HOW TO KICK IT 2.WE ARE USED TO SCORING 3.WE FIND THE OPENING AND GET IN IT 4.WE NEVER MISS THE TARGET 5.SWEATING IS NO PROBLEM 6.WE KEEP GOING EVEN IF IT HURTS 7.WE PLAY ANYWHERE,ANYTIME 8.WE CAN GO FOR 90 MINUTES IN 11 POSITIONS 9.WE DONT MIND GETTING DIRTY 10.WE KNOW WHEN TO PLAY IT ROUGH

Turn ons:
wtf does this mean

Turn offs:
wtf does dis mean

soccer,basketball,ps2 nd meeting HOT GURLS

I admire:
ronaldinho,c.ronaldo,kaka,tevez nd riquelme

Favorite movies:
1 missed call,saw 4, nd alot of others

Favorite TV shows:
fres prince of bell-air

Best feature:
idk wut it means


nah but mayb in a cupple if years

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